California Hockey Officials Inc.
Supporting ice hockey officials in California.
Supporting ice hockey officials in California.
California Hockey Officials Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization focused on the growth, retention, and general support of USA Hockey officials in the State of California.
Your tax-deductible donation will enable the support of USA Hockey officials and the growth of the game in California. We are very grateful for your generosity and commitment to enhancing the experience on the ice for all participants. Thank you.
Please consult your tax professional prior to making your donation.
Unlike many other sports becoming an ice hockey official comes with a significant time commitment and financial investment. In addition to the annual certification and registration fees, a first-year official is required to purchase equipment including but not limited to: black helmet, helmet visor, referee jersey, referee pants, white skate laces, finger whistle, ice hockey skates, referee shin guards, referee elbow pads, shin tights / tape, and lastly a referee bag. The total startup costs for the equipment necessary to step on the ice and officiate ice hockey is approximately $2,500. As a result, the barrier to entry is generally higher than most other sports. California Hockey Officials Inc. seeks to assist USA Hockey's first-year officials with a portion of the startup costs.
For advanced training on and off the ice, USA Hockey officials residing in California that are Level 3 or Level 4 and in good standing within LAHOA, SDHRA, and/or NORHOA will be eligible to apply for California Hockey Officials Inc. scholarships to the California Referee School High Performance Camp and the JHP Women's Officiating Camp.
We understand that individuals use the opportunity to officiate ice hockey for a variety of reasons, and we appreciate all those that officiate games. In our experience we find that officials between the ages of 18-25 often use officiating to help themselves financially through college. It is the goal of California Hockey Officials Inc. to award a merit-based college scholarship on an annual basis to USA Hockey Officials who are actively working USA Hockey games in California while attending an accredited junior college or 4-year university full-time in the State of California.
The difficulties in retaining officials have been a topic of discussion for many years. We believe addressing these issues through the directives set by California Hockey Officials Inc. is the most effective approach in growing, retaining, and supporting the officiating community in the State of California. The game of hockey continues to grow at an exponential rate and as a dedicated officiating community we aim to meet that demand.
We highly encourage all those interested in becoming a certified USA Hockey official for the 24/25 season to reach out to your local referee association (LAHOA, SDHRA, & NORHOA). Links can be found on our Resources tab.
Thank you.
California Hockey Officials Inc. Board of Directors
Brian Blumberg - 2018
California Hockey Officials Inc.
5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 200, Long Beach, CA 90804
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